Data & Electronic Restoration Services

Protect Your Expensive Equipment & Sensitive Information

Electronic equipment is the lifeblood of many businesses today. When disaster strikes in the form of water or fire, these vital assets must be treated and restored immediately. Electronics subjected to water damage must be dried using special techniques. Residue from fire and soot contains acids that can corrode metal surfaces and should be professionally removed. With the timely restoration of your electronic equipment by the trained technicians at ServiceMaster Restore®, we can prevent further damage.

We are a commercial restoration company that specializes in data recovery and electronic restoration services and we are dedicated to protecting your property and any sensitive information it may contain. Backed by over 65 years of experience, we have helped many business owners recover from a variety of disasters and are ready to assist you with yours.

What Items Do We Offer Electronic Restoration Services For?

We specialize in recovering a wide range of items, and the sensitive data within them. Each deserves its own individualized attention and often its own recovery process, which will require the help of an expert to avoid potentially damaging the electronics. Some of the items we offer data and electronic restoration services for include:

  • Appliances
  • Cameras
  • Computers and laptops
  • Computer data
  • Entertainment centers
  • Hard drives
  • Lathes
  • Medical equipment
  • Machinery
  • Monitors
  • Phones
  • Printers and copiers
  • Projectors
  • Sensitive equipment
  • Televisions

At ServiceMaster Restore, we uphold strict protocols concerning sensitive, confidential, or classified data adhering to medical/HIPAA, government, and client-specific regulations. We work hard to save irreplaceable items, all while keeping your privacy in mind.

Why Does Water Damage Electronics?

Water is a major enemy of your sensitive appliances and electronic equipment. Contaminants in the water can cause shorts in your devices, leading to costly damage. In addition, corrosion can occur with water exposure, leading to long term issues or complete failures in computers, machinery, or other commercial equipment.

These items can become damaged during a flood and can also suffer water damage from fire suppression efforts, including your own sprinklers or help from your local fire department. It's vital to have water damaged electronics professionally dried by professionals capable of electronics restoration after they are exposed to water to mitigate oxidation and other permanent damage to sensitive electrical components.

How Does Fire and Smoke Damage Electronics?

You might think that any electronics not directly destroyed by fire are safe to use, but this is incorrect. Smoke and ash easily move through your premises during a blaze, and as they settle, they can begin damaging the metals inside your electronics within minutes or hours of a fire. Smoke coats parts of devices, which could lead to short circuits or overheating with use. Soot buildup from fire is also acidic, leading to costly damage to metals and discoloration.

This is especially true in the case of delicate electronics such as computers, communications equipment, monitors, and other essential business electronics. Contacting a data recovery and electronics restoration expert is necessary to preserve as many of your smoke damaged electronics as possible.

Our Data Recovery and Electronics Restoration Process

In some cases, your electronics can be cleaned on-site at your business, resulting in a faster recovery process, and further minimizing interruption to your business. In other events, our certified technicians will restore your equipment at our facility. Here’s what our comprehensive services consist of:

  • Packing & Removal: We identify which items can be cleaned at your premises and which need to be removed. As needed, we carefully inventory and pack up items to be taken off site, where we have specialized equipment and experts waiting.
  • Cleaning: Electronics damaged by smoke and ash need to be thoroughly cleaned of foreign particles to halt the damaging effect they have. Since smoke is highly permeable, we get into even the smallest crevices to ensure a complete cleanup job. Often, we can clean computers and digital equipment without affecting the data or software stored on them.
  • Deodorizing: Smoke odor can be unpleasant and distracting, while also serving as a constant reminder of an experience you and your employees would sooner forget. We take steps to deodorize your equipment so that it does its job and nothing else.
  • Restoration: Damage caused by exposure to corrosive soot can vary in severity, which will impact the repairs needed to get your electronics working again. We’ll examine housings, delicate circuitry, and other key components to determine what might need replacing.
  • Delivery: After we’ve thoroughly refurbished and deodorized your devices, we’ll bring them back to your facility and help you get everything back up and running again, just like before.

Time Is of the Essence to Restore Your Business’s Electronics

Don’t take chances when it comes to your valuable electronics and the sensitive information that may be on them. Our team is available 24/7 to take your calls for commercial data recovery and electronic restoration services, as we know how crucial time can be in circumstances like this.

Learn more about all of our commercial restoration services – reach out to us at (866) 867-3123.
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