Cape Cod Total House Cleaning

“They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions,” Daniel N, a Cape Cod resident, said with a laugh. “I’m not sure about that, but I can say the road to real estate headaches certainly is!” Daniel had had his reservations about letting a young couple rent his Cape Cod property. “But they were friends of the family, and I thought, “How bad can it be?”

The answer to that question was pretty bad indeed. The young couple had many young friends, and the Cape Cod property quickly became the scene of many raucous parties. “That was bad enough,” Daniel said, “But they had all of these animals: cats, dogs, even a ferret. When I finally got them out of there…well, you wouldn’t believe the mess!”

Before Daniel could even begin to think about renting the property out to another family, it needs total house cleaning. “We’re talking floor to ceiling!” he said. “Carpet cleaning, washing down the walls…these people were heavy smokers, and I wanted the smell of smoke out of my property!”

Total house cleaning services can be used to restore rental property to pristine condition. Every house and situation is different. In Daniel’s case, there were several problem areas. The main living room had been ‘Party Central’. Carpet cleaning services took care of the many stains, marks, and ground-in grime that had turned the once-white carpet a “scary gray beige”. Reconditioning upholstered furniture allowed Daniel to hold onto the couch and easy chair that he’d had in the living room. “If you told me that they could get the smoke smell out of my couch, I’d of laughed in your face,” he said, “But when you see it, when you smell it…” He demonstrated by putting his nose directly on the seat of the couch. “You can’t smell anything at all. It’s amazing!”
