Scituate: What is Smoke Mitigation?

“Sometimes kids do stupid things.” Glenda shook her head. “When the boys asked if they could toast some marshmallows, I said sure.  I thought they were going to use the barbecue grill.” Instead, Glenda’s boys, who are 15 and 13, built a sizable bonfire in the family’s backyard.

The situation quickly got out of hand, and the back porch and entranceway caught on fire.  Thanks to a quick response by the local fire department, Glenda’s home was saved. The back porch needed replacing, and the entranceway required significant repair. There was also significant smoke damage throughout the home.

Scituate Smoke Mitigation

The heat and smoke from a fire can do a tremendous amount of damage within the home. Smoke mitigation is the process by which your Scituate disaster remediation company eliminates the effects of smoke upon your home. If you’ve had a fire, it’s important to call your Scituate smoke mitigation company right away: the complex chemical compounds in smoke continue damaging your home and possessions long after the fire is put out.

While it’s a good idea to vacuum up loose soot and ash from carpeting and upholstery as soon as possible, in general, the homeowner should not attempt smoke mitigation on their own.  It’s really easy to make the situation worse instead of better if you don’t know what you’re doing.  Something as simple as wiping down a soot-stained wall with some water and household cleanser can compound the problem, making the soot, smell, and stain harder to remove!

Additionally, it’s important to remember that many of the chemicals in smoke are believed to be extremely toxic and potentially cancer-causing. Trained smoke mitigation professionals have equipment and procedures they use to protect their health. If you’re attempting smoke mitigation on your own, you’re exposing yourself to some very dangerous chemicals.  Not recommended!
