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When your home suffers from the ravages of fire or water damage, addressing both the structure and the contents becomes essential. But how do you go about removing damp materials due to water or fire damage when the contents obstruct the way? Furthermore, how can you ensure thorough drying or cleaning of your belongings if they need to be removed from your home or business?

Enter ServiceMaster Restoration Services - South Bay. Our team of technicians can facilitate a contents pack-out process and securely store your items in our state-of-the-art, climate-controlled facility throughout the entire period of your disaster restoration.

The contents restoration procedure following fire and water damage is intricate and distinct from a typical move. Assessing and meticulously categorizing the contents is necessary to determine which items can be salvaged, which require restoration, and which should simply be packed out.

Our technicians possess professional packing and moving certifications and bring their disaster restoration expertise to handle the intricate work associated with content pack-out and content restoration.


The expert insurance contents restoration specialist at ServiceMaster Restoration Services possesses the ability to promptly identify and categorize valuable contents. Our expert insurance contents restoration specialist at ServiceMaster Restoration Services applies the most appropriate procedures to safeguard your belongings. Our team will guide you through the process of determining which items can be salvaged and which cannot.

The skilled insurance contents restoration specialists at ServiceMaster Restoration Services will compile a list of non-salvageable contents—items that cannot be restored. We can even assist you with the disposal of such items once you are comfortable with the decision.

After sorting items into salvageable and non-salvageable categories, our team promptly initiates the pack-out process. We take the immediate step of separating damp contents upon arrival at our warehouse to ensure prompt attention and drying. Specialized drying chambers in our facility efficiently dry your wet, valuable furniture.

Dependable Insurance Content Restoration Experts

We meticulously inventory and photograph every item that undergoes the pack-out process. We conduct inventory checks throughout the entire packing, storage, and cleaning process to maintain the order of your valuables and contents.

After completing the inventory and packing stages, we transport all contents back to our climate-controlled warehouse, where we store them in separate pods and lockers.

For items affected by soot, we undertake the task of cleaning and soot removal, repacking them into fresh and clean containers. We offer deodorizations for all contents after soot cleaning using our specialized hydroxyl and ozone chamber.

We identify and add items that do not respond to restoration during the soot cleaning to the non-salvageable content list. We even collaborate with specialized woodworking companies to fully restore your solid furniture, such as chairs, tables, cabinetry, and shelves.