When you turn on the television or listen to the radio to hear news about approaching storms, you may hear reports that mention a severe weather advisory, watch, or warning. These weather words carry different meanings depending on several factors. Do you know what they are? Learn the difference between these weather alerts to better understand when you need to simply let the storm pass, seek shelter, or plan an emergency evacuation route.

Weather Advisories

This weather alert is common in winter. If you hear the notice of a weather advisory, you should stay alert and check for any developing storms or severe weather changes. Other than that, no immediate action is required. Weather advisories are simply notifications that weather conditions may become more severe as the day progresses, and you should make note of any minor inconveniences it could cause to your general commute or routine.

Weather Watches

These weather alerts are more serious and require action on your part. If you hear any indication of a severe weather watch in your area, it means that current conditions are likely to become extremely dangerous and you should stay on high alert. Usually, officials will let you know when to take shelter or prepare for power outages in your community.

During weather watches, you should keep a close eye on your local news and radio channels for more details about the current conditions. Make sure you have a plan in place and know exactly where to go if officials tell you to seek shelter.

Weather Warnings

Weather warnings indicate that a serious event is either already occurring or will occur within a few hours. If you hear officials make an announcement about severe weather warnings in your area, take action immediately. Since each storm’s weather warning requires different actions to ensure that you stay safe, it’s crucial that you stay aware of common storms in your area and what you need to do during each one. For instance, the following weather warnings require these actions:

  • Floods: Get to higher ground immediately
  • Tornados: Find the lowest point in the building and take cover away from any windows or doors
  • Hurricanes: Evacuate the area as soon as officials tell you to do so

Check with your local community for more detailed information about what you should do during specific weather warnings in your area. Most likely, your town will already have action plans set in place to help you stay safe.

For more information on how to keep everyone safe during natural disasters, check out our blog today.
