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LaGrange Water Damage Restoration Services

Top Causes of Water Damage in LaGrange Homes

Water damage is never good. While it is often caused by natural disasters such as floods or hurricanes, it can also be the result of more mundane problems such as leaky pipes or broken appliances. Regardless of the cause, water damage can wreak havoc on your property, causing extensive damage to buildings and contents. If left unchecked, water damage can lead to the growth of mold and mildew, which can exacerbate health problems for those with allergies or respiratory conditions.

At the first sign of water damage, it’s important to act fast to slow down the spread of water and consequential damage. You should contact our LaGrange professional water damage restoration company as soon as possible. Our experts will assess the extent of the damage and develop a plan to restore your property to its pre-damage condition.

What is Water Mitigation?

Water mitigation is reducing or preventing damage caused by a water intrusion. It usually involves handling water damage as soon as it is identified to help prevent further damage and minimize financial costs.

Water mitigation can also help to reduce health risks associated with mold growth and other water-related issues.

Steps in Our LaGrange Water Mitigation Process

  • Identifying and resolving the source of the water intrusion
  • Removing standing water or excess moisture
  • Drying out the affected area
  • Repairing any damage caused by the water

At ServiceMaster Restoration Services - LaGrange, our Lagrange water mitigation teams have the equipment and experience to handle water damage safely and effectively, ensuring a quicker return to your daily routine. Contact us today to learn more.

Your Trusted LaGrange Water Damage Restoration Experts

Recovering from water damage doesn’t have to be a headache. When you’re looking for a quick and reliable team to get things back to the way they should, backed by a national brand with over 65 years of experience, turn to ServiceMaster Restoration Services - LaGrange!

Need Professional Water Damage Restoration in LaGrange? Call (706) 397-4238 or contact us now to schedule service!

What Should I Do During Water Damage?

Time is very important during any water damage. If you find yourself in the middle of a water-related emergency, be sure to follow these simple guidelines to minimize damage and ensure your safety:

  • Stop the Water – Whether it’s placing sandbags or shutting off the main water valve, put a stop to the water source as soon as possible.
  • Remove Water – Be sure to begin removing water quickly to prevent it from spreading to further areas. You can bottle it, mop it, pour it from buckets, or even sweep it out.
  • Save What You Can – Move fast and save the photos, art objects, and whatever else you can before it’s exposed to water.
  • Call The Professionals – Give our team a call! Bacteria growth can begin in as little as an hour, so having a team called out sooner rather than later is essential.

What to Avoid During LaGrange Home Water Damage

There are also several things you should never do during a water emergency. Be sure to follow the following guidelines to ensure the health and safety of you and your family and prevent damage to your home:

  • Never enter a flooded area until the power has been turned off
  • Never use a household vacuum to remove water
  • Never wait to call for water damage restoration
  • Never touch or attempt to self-treat mold growth

What Are the Different Types of Water Damage?

When it comes to water damage, there are three main types: clean water, gray water, and black water. Clean water damage is caused by clean water sources, such as a broken pipe or overflowing sink. Gray water damage is caused by slightly contaminated water, such as from a washing machine overflow, dishwasher, or possibly toilet with urine. Black water damage is caused by highly contaminated or sewage-contaminated water, such as from a flood.

Water damage restoration is the process of cleaning and repairing a home or business that has been damaged by water. This includes everything from removing the water to drying out the affected areas to rebuilding any damaged structures. The type of restoration required will depend on the type of water damage that has occurred. For example, black water damage will typically require more extensive restoration than clean water damage.

Comprehensive Water Damage Restoration Process in LaGrange

Water damage never occurs when it’s convenient, so we’re available 24/7 for all of your water damage restoration. Give us a call, and our team will get you started on the road to recovery.

Our LaGrange Water Damage Restoration Steps:

  1. Inspect – After you give us a call, we’ll come out as quickly as we can to assess the situation.
  2. Water Mitigation – Depending on the source of the water, our team will take the necessary steps needed to reduce the amount of water in the space in hopes of preventing further damage.
  3. Restoration – Once things are under control, we’ll remove the damaged materials and get to work on reconstruction and restoring your residential property using proven methods and quality workmanship.

Meet Our LaGrange Water Damage Restoration Team who are here for you 24/7, ready to handle all of your water emergency restoration needs. We’re certified and trained professionals dedicated to making sure your home gets back to normal as soon as possible.

Experiencing Water Damage in LaGrange? Call (706) 397-4238 for Immediate Repair Services!