Trauma Clean Up

In the aftermath of a traumatic event, two things matter most—response time and level of experience. It takes a high level of dedication and professionalism to handle the rigors of violent crime and accident scenes on a daily basis. That’s why ServiceMaster Restore offers specialized, trauma cleanup services—to provide a partner you can trust with restoration when it’s needed most. Certified and trained in trauma cleaning.

Federal laws stipulate that bio-clean technicians must be trained to remove all signs of biological contamination. Our experts are certified to control blood-borne pathogens, utilize proper protective gear, and are equipped to handle and dispose of biological materials. With ServiceMaster Restore, you get service that meets all health and OSHA regulations—tempered with integrity, professionalism, and respect. Providing compassion in a time of need. Dealing with trauma requires more than just professionalism. As such, we approach every job with respect and empathy for grieving families and loved ones. Our technicians are trained to handle sensitive questions with assurance and skill. We also provide contact information for the following support organizations:

• The Compassionate Friends A national self-help organization to assist families in resolving grief following the death of a child. 877-969-0010

• Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) An organization offering assistance and support to families affected by alcohol and drunk driving. 800-438-6233

• National Center for Victims of Crime An advocacy group that provides resources and support to victims of crime. 800-394-2255

• Parents of Murdered Children (POMC) A self-help group dedicated to helping families and friends of those who have lost their lives to violence. 888-818-POMC (7662)