Community Involvement After a Disaster

Consider getting involved in your community after a disaster strikes. It’s one of the best ways to support your local community in the Disaster Restoration process. Start off with a training, especially if you don’t have any disaster response experience. Participating in either an online or in-person training is a great way to build up a foundation of knowledge before you volunteer. When choosing how to volunteer in your community, there are many options. Contact an organization active in your community to find out more or read the tips below.


Many government organizations have emergency trainings for people who want to be a resource for their community if a disaster occurs. The two trainings below were both developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Choose one to learn more about being an emergency response volunteer.

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

The CERT training is hands-on and uses realistic scenarios for practice. It’s taught by first responders or other qualified volunteers. Expect to learn light search and rescue, team organization and how to suppress a fire.

You Are the Help Until Help Arrives

The You Are the Help Until Help Arrives training is slightly less in-depth making it a great first training to take if you don’t have much disaster response experience. Don’t wait to sign up for a training. The key to limiting damage is to prepare before a disaster happens.


There are many organizations that have volunteer opportunities in many communities across the country. Read more to learn about a few to consider.

Citizen Corps

This group is made of local counsels that connect local leaders and support their local community’s Disaster Restoration efforts. The ultimate goal is to strengthen community response in the aftermath of a disaster. Learn more here.


Encourage your community to prepare for a disaster by participating in a prepareathon. FEMA hosts these events to improve each community’s ability to recover in the wake of a disaster. Preparation goes a long way.


There’s a lot your child can do to get involved in Disaster Restoration efforts. Many disasters happen while children are at school away from their primary caregivers. FEMA has a few great resources to start the conversation with your child today. The Youth Preparedness Fact Sheet is a quick and easy way to teach your child about disaster preparedness. They can also participate in the Youth Preparedness Council to give input on Disaster Restoration.

ServiceMaster Restoration Services is your local fire and water damage restoration expert across the South Atlantic. We hope your community stays disaster-free. If you do experience fire, water or mold damage, contact us at 888-569-1560. Our team also offers construction and janitorial services. The quicker you call, the more damage we can prevent.