Most Common Places for Mold

With it being summer, and inconsistent weather, you can expect mold. The hot humid air is the perfect environment for mold to grow. All homes have the components needed for mold growth. Knowing where mold is more likely to grow in homes can help you prevent the growth and keep your home and body healthy.


Bathrooms are one of the most common places where mold is grown. The warm wet environment is an invitation for mold growth. If you have poor ventilation whether that be a window or fan you can anticipate mold growth. Showers and bathtubs are repeatedly used, and mold can thrive there. Always check any bottles, washcloths, loofahs, shower curtain, in & around the faucet, shower head, and tile/grout. Another area of the bathroom that often grows mold is the sink and toilet. If not cleaned properly and dried the excess moisture can cause mold to grow. You should constantly check the counters, your toothpaste, toothbrush caddies, tank of the toilet, behind the toilet, underneath the bathroom sink, where the cleaning supplies are stored, and all the pipes for both sink and toilet. The floor and walls can contain mold too as well as the rugs. Pay attention to any leaks because mold can form quickly. If rugs are not being washed regularly that can start to grow mold too.

Tips to Keep Your Bathroom Mold Free

  •  Use a ventilation fan during your bath/shower, and at least keep it on for 30 minutes after.
  •  You can also use a dehumidifier to keep the humidity levels down throughout your home.
  • Keep all surfaces, counters, floors, and walls clean & dry.
  • Check for any leaks!


The kitchen is one of the easiest spots for mold and bacteria growth. It is easy to let dishes pile up, sponges get forgotten, food is put down the garbage disposal, and faucets are left running. So always check these areas in your kitchen, and NEVER forget to check under the sink. Leaks happen around the pipes which is a big cause of mold. The fridge and pantry can collect a lot of mold if food expires, and is not thrown out. The fridge also needs to be whipped down regularly. Opening and closing the fridge can cause condensation and leftover food that gets in the fridge can cause mold. Another area of the kitchen that always needs to be clean is the microwave and stove. The kitchen is always full of food spillage and grease splatters, two things mold loves to grow on. Keeping these areas clean and dry are important to having a clean home and preventing mold. There are other places in the kitchen that mold loves to grow on like wooden cutting boards, trash cans, behind the stove, windows, and windowsills. Mold feeds off these places, so keeping them clean is crucial.

 Tips for Keeping Your Kitchen Mold Free 

  • Ventilate while cooking and doing the dishes by using a fan or window
  • Wash the dishes every day to prevent a pile up 
  • Clean and dry the stove top, microwave, counters, cabinets, and windowsills regularly. 
  • Clean your fridge and drip tray often


You might not think your bedroom would be susceptible to mold, but any indoor space can have mold. Even your mattress, you can always invest in a mold resistant mattress. If not, make sure your household humidity stays low and your mattress stays cool and dry. Windows and windowsills should always be checked in any room. Condensation gathers due to humidity, and if it finds its way indoors, you’re almost certain to have a mold problem. Using the AC unit (especially in the summer) causes condensation too and it is possible for mold to grow in the vents. 

Tips for Keeping Your Bedroom Mold Free

  • Use a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture from the air 
  • Dry up any condensation you find on the walls, windows, and vents
  • Invest in a mold resistant mattress or a waterproof mattress cover

Living Room 

Mold can form anywhere, and the living room is another place. Any fabric that can become moist can grow mold on it. The couch is a hot spot, food can be dropped in the cracks, drinks can knock over, and if left unresolved it can form mold. If you have any plants in your home, they can grow mold in the soil. If overwatered and not monitored. if your home is at an optimal humidity level it can prevent mold. Since it is summer, fireplaces and chimneys are not being used. If you have these in your home, they are a major hot spot for mold. They are cool, damp, and dark… making them prone to mold and can spread quickly. 

Tips for Keeping Your Living Room Mold Free

  • Ensure that fabric couches stay clean and dry 
  • Always check for food in between the cracks
  • Make sure your curtains are clean and dry 
  • Have your fireplace/chimney cleaned by a professional 


Mold in your attic can be a huge problem! They contain a lot of your ventilation systems and if left unchecked it can spread mold throughout your home. In your attic check for mold: on the roof (near leaks), your insulation, check ALL vents, near the water heater or furnace, and around your soffit vents (ventilation to the attic). In the basement there are a lot of areas that are prone to mold growth. The basement tends to be a moist area, so I have a list of a few areas to check around pipes and ducting, near the foundation where there may be leaking, near a sump pump, windows, or vents where condensation might gather. The garage is another important area to check because rain from your car and water leaks from the roof are ways mold gets into your garage. Make sure you are always checking behind or under storage areas, around the garage doors and windows, and in areas where there is standing water for long periods of time. 

Tips for Keeping Your Attic, Basement, and Garage Mold Free

  • Repair any roof leaks as soon as possible 
  • Use the proper insulation 
  • Vent items outside instead of in your attic 
  • Keep soffit vents clear to allow air flow
  • Paint with waterproof or mold resistant paint
  • Check for leaks around pipes and foundation 
  • Make sure there is adequate ventilation 
  • Waterproof the exterior of your basement and fix drainage issues
  • Use a squeegee to remove standing water from the floor
  • Try to introduce sunlight and ventilation
