Hoarding Cleanup Service in Amarillo

Many people don’t know that hoarding is a mental condition that various life events and traumas can cause. Compassion and understanding are the most essential aspects of hoarding cleanup services that our team at ServiceMaster Restoration by TA offers.

When you’re dealing with unquantifiable distress, it can manifest itself in the form of hoarding. Our qualified experts offer you and your family confidentiality and respect while we help clean up and get your property back to liveable conditions. If you have a home that has deterioration and damage from hoarding, we can use our restoration service experience to repair the damage and help you start fresh.

searching for hoarding cleanup in amarillo?Contact us online now to get started or call(806) 454-7145 to learn more!

We follow a hoarding cleanup process that involves:

  • Removing litter and clutter from your property
  • Cleaning up debris and clearing out walkways and hallways for safe travel through your home
  • Helping you locate lost jewelry, family heirlooms, and other valuable items and setting them aside to reduce damage
  • Coordinating recycling and shredding efforts to conserve natural resources
  • Organizing items into piles for trash and donation
  • Helping you with insurance claims and paperwork required by local governments or agencies

We understand how difficult it can be to let go of years of collected items, which is why we treat your possessions and property with the utmost respect.

Helping Reduce Damage and Health Issues Due to Hoarding

Hoarding is an extremely sensitive subject for many families. And trying to tackle it alone can be overwhelming, causing many to give up on hoarding cleanup altogether. Our team has seen homes in various states of hoarding. In some cases, the home’s condition is so extreme that it’s a health hazard for anyone who enters. We use hazmat suits, personal protective gear, specialized equipment, and industrial-grade cleaning products to restore what’s most important to you.

Contact us online or call(806) 454-7145 to schedule your hoarding cleanup and restoration service today.

Restoring Peace of Mind

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