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The Do’s and Don’ts of Mold Abatement

Discovering mold in your home can be a startling discovery. Before you start cutting walls, pulling up flooring, and tearing your house apart in a panic, please take the time to review the following do’s and don’ts of mold abatement:

Don’t – Do not panic and start ripping your home apart. The mere presence of mold is not something that is inherently dangerous or harmful. Mold is dangerous when the spores are disturbed causing them to become airborne. So if you start cutting, scrubbing, or removing items affected by mold without taking the proper precautions you could make the situation worse.

Do – Contact a local mold abatement specialist. Any reputable mold abatement company will inspect your home and provide an estimate at no cost.

Don’t – When you began your search for a mold abatement company make sure they specialize in mold abatement. Do not hire a general contractor or handyman who will just remove the materials with mold on them. Mold abatement is a specialty trade that should be done by professionals with the proper training, equipment, and knowledge that will prevent the mold from contaminating your home.

Do – Try to find why the mold grew in the first place. Mold needs a source of water and organic material to start growing. Typically, mold is a sign of long term exposure to water, whether that is a leaky pipe under the sink or a bad seal around a window that is allowing to rainwater to leak in, you should identify the leak to prevent mold from growing again.

Don’t – Don’t ignore the problem. While mold is not something to be afraid of in the short-term, if you ignore it, it will get worse and the cost of abatement and repairs will increase, as will the potential for negative health effects.

Do – Do your research. Mold is a common problem and there is plenty of information on the internet that can either confirm or debunk some of your fears and concerns. Being knowledgeable will also help you understand what a mold abatement specialist is advising and what you can expect through the abatement process.
