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Understanding the Hazards of Hurricanes

Hurricane season is ramping up. Tropical storm activity is typically at its highest in September, and the season lasts another few months until November 30. There are various hazards brought on by tropical cyclone events, which are pervasive and extend as far as 100 miles inland. Destructive high winds and rain can travel even further, into surrounding, non-coastal states.

The damage caused by hurricanes can be likened to the form of a hurricane itself. At its center, heavy wind and rain damage lives, homes, and businesses. As the storm spreads out, power and gas outages occur, water service is disrupted, and drinking water systems can become contaminated. Roads and other modes of transportation are affected, hindering the movement of people and supplies. The ripple effects of the damage hurt the economy, and beyond that, harm to the environment and ecosystems can linger long after the storm has passed.


Storm surge is water driven onshore by the high-speed wind of the tropical system. It is higher than the normal tidal level, but unlike a tsunami, does not include waves. It poses the risk of extreme flooding and causes the most damage of any of the hurricane hazards. A study of hurricanes occurring between 1963 and 2012 found that storm surge was responsible for nearly half (49%) of the deaths reported from the storms.

Coastal flooding is often caused by storm surges but can also be caused by abnormally high tides or any condition that raises the seawater level. Much of the danger here affects vulnerable low-wetland ecosystems but can adversely affect freshwater supplies in populated areas. Floodwater can easily damage homes near these areas.

Wind speeds can reach well over 155 mph in a Category 5 hurricane (the most severe and potentially catastrophic category), at which point major structural damage to homes and buildings, such as roof and wall collapse, is likely to occur. Even the lower wind speeds from a Category 1 hurricane span 74 – 95 mph and can easily rip siding and roof shingles from a house. Loose objects such as roofing tiles, signs and small objects can turn into deadly projectiles. Category 1 wind speeds are strong enough to cause storm surges as well.


Torrential rain can cause inland flooding and flash flooding, severely damaging homes and business properties and washing out roadways, even well away from the coast. Roadways affected by flooding are a deadly hazard, with a fourth of the deaths attributed to storm-caused flooding occurring when people try to stay in or abandon their cars during the storm.

Mudslides occur as heavy rain from slower-moving hurricanes travel further inland over mountainous or hilly areas.

Wind poses a danger even far from the hurricane’s hazardous center. Wind effects can be felt as much as 150 miles away. Less secure structures, such as mobile homes, trees and power lines are still at risk. Strong winds can cause roof failure, and in combination with a storm’s persistent, heavy rain, can result in water damage within a house even if the house is not in a flooded area.

Tornadoes are common as a hurricane moves ashore. They can occur in the eyewall of a hurricane but are more commonly formed in the spiral rainbands away from the center. Though they are generally less intense than those formed by thunderstorms, they can be destructive and deadly.

The hazards caused by hurricanes are many and far-reaching, and one doesn’t have to live close to a coastal area to be at risk for property damage. It’s important to pay attention to the forecast of a hurricane’s path and understand the potential danger as it travels, even as it weakens.

With ServiceMaster DSI branches in Tampa and Miami, FL, we understand damage from a hurricane can happen at a moment's notice, which is why we are available 24/7 to respond to any emergency restoration needs you may have. Our team of experts knows the urgency of getting things back to normal quickly and efficiently, so we provide prompt and reliable service to restore your property back to its pre-loss condition.

For more information, contact us at 844-413-3130. We are ready to respond 24/7/365.
