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Professional Hoarding Cleanup Services in Chicago

Comprehensive Hoarding Solutions for Chicago Residents

Hoarding is a complex mental disorder that makes it hard for a person to get rid of possessions, regardless of their value. A hoarded home can be dangerous and unhealthy. ServiceMaster DSI has a successful hoarding clean-up program that uses a proven process to help resolve hoarding situations of any size.

Our professionals use effective planning, specialized equipment, and expert techniques for debris removal, biohazard disposal, content cleaning, and general cleaning, sanitizing, and deodorizing to help the customer get on the road to recovery.

Count on the experts at ServiceMaster DSI to:

  • Remove clutter and clean up debris

  • Help locate lost jewelry, hidden money and/or other valuable items

  • Coordinate recycling and shredding

  • Help distribute donations

  • Assist in distributing kept items to family members (local and national)

  • Help facilitate paperwork required by local governments or agencies

Tailored Hoarding Cleanup Plans in Chicago

At ServiceMaster, we provide professional hoarding services that can help address the problem and support the individual in their recovery. The process includes:

  • Initial assessment of the home to evaluate the extent of the hoarding problem and determine the best course of action.

  • Developing a customized plan to address the specific needs of the individual and their home, including debris removal, biohazard disposal, content cleaning, and general cleaning, sanitizing, and deodorizing.

  • Carefully removing and disposing of debris using specialized equipment and techniques.

  • Safely disposing of hazardous materials such as feces, urine, and mold.

  • Cleaning and organizing remaining items in the home, and cleaning, sanitizing, and deodorizing the entire home to ensure it is safe and healthy for the hoarder to live in.

Schedule Your Hoarding Cleanup in Chicago Today

Call us today at (773) 729-1757 to schedule a hoarding clean-up service near you.