Xactimate Software

At ServiceMaster Professional Services, we use the industry standard, Xactimate, for all restoration jobs. Staff throughout the company uses this software to estimate and manage jobs of all types.

Estimating has come a long way in the past twenty years, and Xactware has been a leading force in the innovations the industry enjoys today.

Xactimate is the next advancement in estimating, and this time, they’ve really set a new pace for what an estimating program can do. It’s even faster, and more convenient to use, but for those who want the ultimate in estimating technology, Xactimate introduces features not only new to Xactimate, but also new to the entire industry. They’re not just breaking new ground, we’re breaking down barriers to propel way ahead.

On-the-fly flooring calculations show your cuts in Sketch and allow you to change everything from roll width to direction of installation. Estimate framing for entire floor plans, complete with every stick of lumber calculated and added to your estimate, all with a single click.

Older versions are available to work with your system. Call for details, chances are, it will be YES!

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