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Odor Removal Services in Maple Grove

Residential Restoration Solutions Available When You Need Them

Every home has a distinct scent that tells visitors a little about the people living there. When faced with excessively foul odors after a weather disaster, fire, flood, sewage leaks, or mold growth, you need professional restoration service experts in Maple Grove to neutralize and permanently remove these smells from all surfaces.

ServiceMaster Professional Services is a locally owned and operated commercial and residential restoration company specializing in comprehensive restoration services. We help you eliminate odors that have infiltrated your space and seeped into clothing, furniture, carpets, and more. Our team is here 24/7 to support you in removing foul odors at the source.

We thoroughly inspect your home to locate the cause of the unpleasant smells, make recommendations for resolution, and provide an estimate for your restoration options. What makes our services different is that we realize your home won’t be back to normal after just one visit, and we plan accordingly if we have to treat your space a second time.

Regardless of the odor’s severity, our Maple Grove team is ready to help! Call(763) 294-7638 to get started.

Unlock the Advantages of Professional Odor Removal Services

Eliminating odors is more than just tidying up—it's about creating a healthier, more welcoming indoor space. By removing unpleasant smells at their source, you not only enhance air quality but can mitigate the risk of respiratory issues and allergies, promoting a sense of well-being for you and your family. Say goodbye to persistent odors and hello to a fresher, more comfortable living environment with our expert solutions.

  • Respiratory Relief: Our expert odor removal services target harmful airborne contaminants, which might ease respiratory issues and ensure a safer breathing environment for you and your loved ones.

  • Complete Odor Elimination: Employing techniques, we tackle even the most persistent odors, leaving your space revitalized and welcoming.

  • Enhanced Comfort and Productivity: A fresh-smelling space fosters comfort and productivity, which can create an atmosphere conducive to work and relaxation.

  • HVAC Protection: By eliminating odor-causing particles, our services can safeguard your HVAC system, preserving its efficiency and longevity.

Don't endure lingering odors any longer. Reach out to ServiceMaster Professional Services today at (763) 294-7638 or online to schedule expert odor removal and reclaim a refreshing environment for your home.

We Remove Odors with Effective Advanced Equipment

A team of experienced restoration service pros wouldn’t be as effective if we didn’t employ superior quality equipment and industry-grade yet gentle cleaning supplies. When you trust our experts to support you in removing odors, we arrive with specialized products that work.

We have state-of-the-art equipment that:

  • Cleans the air – Our high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters remove contaminant particles to completely clean that air and make it fresh again.
  • Neutralizes odors – The thermal fog machines we utilize neutralize and deodorize your space to remove foul odors and keep them away.
  • Oxidizes the air – Ozone and hydroxyl generators help our Maple Grove restoration service experts remove air pollutants and eliminate odors.

With an arsenal of efficient and effective air cleansing devices, foul odors don’t stand a chance. You can rest assured that your home will be odor-free and back to normal in no time.

Over 65-Years & Counting of Satisfaction

A 65+ year brand legacy of restoring properties and leaving customers satisfied with our workmanship is why we’re trusted in the community. Our locally owned and operated business is proud to uphold a prestigious history, helping others rebuild what they’ve lost and restore a sense of normalcy.

To get odor removal support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, call (763) 294-7638 or contact us online to get started.