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How to Protect Your Home from Future Windstorm Damage

Wilmington, DE, with its proximity to the Atlantic Coast, is no stranger to powerful winds and storms. From nor'easters to the occasional hurricane, windstorm damage is a real concern for homeowners in our area. Protecting your home from these natural forces isn't just about weathering the next storm—it's about ensuring the long-term safety and value of your property. Let's explore how you can safeguard your Wilmington home against future windstorm damage.

What are the common Windstorm Damage risks in Wilmington?

Wilmington faces several types of windstorms throughout the year. Nor'easters, particularly common during fall and winter, can bring sustained high winds and heavy precipitation. During summer and early fall, tropical storms and hurricanes pose significant threats, with the potential for catastrophic windstorm damage.

Historical data shows an increase in both the frequency and intensity of storms affecting our region. Climate change is exacerbating these trends, with warmer ocean temperatures fueling more powerful storms. As a result, Wilmington homeowners need to be more prepared than ever to protect their properties from windstorm damage.

Check for vulnerabilities in your home

Before you can effectively protect your home, you need to understand its weak points. In Wilmington, common vulnerabilities include:

  1. Aging roofs susceptible to wind uplift
  2. Windows and doors that aren't impact-resistant
  3. Unsecured outdoor items that can become projectiles
  4. Trees with weak or overhanging branches

Consider having a professional home inspector assess your property specifically for windstorm vulnerabilities. They can identify issues you might overlook and provide tailored recommendations for your Wilmington home.

How to prepare your home for wind damage in Wilmington

Now that you've identified potential vulnerabilities, it's time to take action to protect your home from windstorm damage. Let's explore some practical steps you can take to fortify your Wilmington residence against the forces of nature.

Strengthen Your Home's Exterior

Your home's exterior is its first line of defense against windstorm damage. Focus on these key areas:

  1. Reinforcing the roof:
    • Install hurricane straps to secure your roof to the walls
    • Upgrade to impact-resistant shingles, which are better at withstanding high winds
  2. Protecting windows and doors:
    • Install storm shutters or impact-resistant glass
    • Reinforce garage doors, which are often a weak point during windstorms

These upgrades not only protect against immediate windstorm damage but can also potentially lower your insurance premiums.

Secure outdoor items

During a windstorm, unsecured items can become dangerous projectiles, causing significant damage to your home and neighboring properties. Take these steps:

  1. Identify potential projectiles around your property, such as patio furniture, grills, and potted plants
  2. Develop a pre-storm routine for storing or securing these items
  3. Anchor larger structures like sheds or playsets to the ground

Remember, in Wilmington's storm-prone environment, what starts as your property can quickly become a hazard to the entire neighborhood if not properly secured.

Improve the resilience of your home interior

While exterior preparations are crucial, don't neglect your home's interior:

  1. Reinforce walls and ceilings, especially in older Wilmington homes
  2. Secure valuable items and important documents in waterproof containers
  3. Consider creating a safe room or designating a shelter area within your home

These interior improvements can provide an extra layer of protection and peace of mind during severe windstorms.

Develop a Windstorm Preparedness Plan

Being prepared goes beyond physical home improvements. Develop a comprehensive windstorm preparedness plan for your family:

  1. Create an emergency kit with essentials like water, non-perishable food, flashlights, and batteries
  2. Establish a family communication plan, including out-of-area contacts
  3. Familiarize yourself with evacuation routes and shelters in Wilmington

Make sure everyone in your household knows and understands the plan. Practice it regularly, especially before the start of hurricane season.


Protecting your Wilmington home from windstorm damage requires a proactive approach. By understanding the risks, identifying vulnerabilities, and taking concrete steps to strengthen your property, you can significantly reduce the potential for damage during severe weather events.

Remember, the time to prepare is now, before the next storm threatens our community. If you're unsure where to start or need professional assistance in assessing and protecting your home from windstorm damage, don't hesitate to reach out to the experts.

ServiceMaster of Wilmington is here to help you safeguard your home against windstorm damage. Our team of professionals can provide detailed assessments, recommend specific improvements, and offer restoration services if your home has already suffered damage. Contact ServiceMaster of Wilmington today to ensure your home is ready to weather any storm that comes our way. Your peace of mind is our top priority.
