Water Damage in Iowa: ServiceMaster Helps for Six Weeks!

Water damaged their homes. Waiting was the hardest part. In the uncomfortable aftermath of straight-line winds racing through your neighborhood at over 110 mph, blowing your roof off, and disturbing the contents of your home, waiting. Waiting and knowing that someone is coming to help clear out the damage and restore your home.

Mold grows quickly.

Mold begins to grow rapidly. The power is out and the humidity is nearly unbearable. The air is generally just heavy, and your spirits are downtrodden. Not knowing when someone can come to help is the worst part, waiting. Waiting for someone to help your home damaged by water.

Water damage in Cedar Rapids, Iowa kept ServiceMaster busy this August. The news companies called the storm a derecho. ServiceMaster sent five crew members for an entire six weeks, the rest of the team transferred back-and-forth with a week on and then a week off. There were not enough contractors in the area to help with all the damage from the storms.

The clients were so relieved to see ServiceMaster.

The residents the crews helped were grateful for the service and the crew members were so happy to be helpful. It is a lot of work going through personal possessions and archiving and taking pictures of everything as an inventory for everything damaged for your insurance company, but the crews from Minneapolis were happy to be of help.

One woman called and had been waiting for a company from Florida who never showed up, she was locked up in just part of her home because she had partially working lungs. She was so grateful she cried when the team arrived that same day and started enlarging her living space.

That is a thing, believe it or not. You stay in your home when it is damaged. Sometimes you do not stay in the damaged home, but these people did. They just worked around everything that was sopping wet until the contractors could come and help them.

A great job was done in Iowa.

All said and done, the team helped 28 homes plus one condominium complex with 12 units in just six weeks.

Above, you will see a photo of a customer’s roof that had been completely blown off. ServiceMaster had to deconstruct the entire interior of their home. In the days following the storm, the rain continued to fall, and this customer needed to keep rainwater out of their home to prevent additional water damage. Servicemaster crews are not roofers, but all of the roofing companies in the area were booked for the next few months. The ServiceMaster crew had to devise a way to protect this customer’s home from rainwater until a contractor could rebuild their roof, so the crew framed up a roof and tarped it. This repair was very effective, and the homeowner was ecstatic.

You can contact ServiceMaster if water damage, large or small hits your home.
