ServiceMaster Spot Hero

A few months ago ServiceMaster released a brand new product called Spot Hero.  This product is perfect for any kind of spot or stain.  Spot Hero is safe to use on all fabric, carpet, and even clothes.  When the product has first released the owner of our franchise took it home for his wife to try.  With three young boys who are very active, she decided to use it on grass stains that had been set for a few days.  The results were amazing.  The stains came out and they now use it as their first choice to help with any spot or stain.

Spot Hero works wonders, I have a little puppy at home that isn’t quite fully house trained.  I sprayed this spot and stain remover on an old carpet stain simply followed the directions on the back and the stain completely disappeared.  I also experienced that Spot Hero works great on microfiber and other types of furniture.  This is my new favorite product!!! #SPOTHERO

Spot Hero can be purchased at the local ServiceMaster offices for $5 a bottle.  You do not need to use very much, a little goes a long way.

Contact us to get your bottle of #SpotHero