Water Damage

  • Mild Winters Can Turn Quickly It may seem a rather mild winter here in South Jersey with little snow and ice to date. But according to Pennsylvania’s Punxsutawney Phil, and the folklore attached to him having seen his shadow, we aren’t out of the woods yet. February is only half over, and March often ... Continue Reading
  • Beware of Fallen Leaves No matter where you look these days, the colors of fall are bountiful. However, the beauty of fall foliage can mask the hidden hazards of fallen leaves and the damage they can do near or around the home. Here are just a few: Clogged Gutters/Downspouts: When leaves clutter a ... Continue Reading
  • Hurricane Season: Preparation Tips for the Unpredictable Whether watching news reports of hurricanes traveling up the coast or living through one, the damage caused by these severe storms are often devasting to people and property. High season is here and addressing preparedness can never be repeated often enough. To start, some ... Continue Reading
  • Heat and Humidity is Rising. Are You and Your Home Ready? Sunny days. Starry nights. That’s what many think of when it comes to summertime. However, protecting your home at this time of year should not be overlooked. As a follow-up to our previous focus on severe weather damage, this month we turn our attention to six other home ... Continue Reading