Fire Safety

  • ‘Tis the Season to be Safe and Merry The holidays are filled with family and festivities. It is also a time to when being busy, one can lose sight of the holiday hazards that can happen at home. While for many, these tips are nothing new; taking a few minutes to review a short list of holiday decorating ... Continue Reading
  • Beware of Fallen Leaves No matter where you look these days, the colors of fall are bountiful. However, the beauty of fall foliage can mask the hidden hazards of fallen leaves and the damage they can do near or around the home. Here are just a few: Clogged Gutters/Downspouts: When leaves clutter a ... Continue Reading
  • Keep Halloween Fun Ghosts and goblins, witches and skeletons – these should be the scariest encounters we face on Halloween. Unfortunately, all tricks and treats aside, staying safe need to remain top of mind. When it comes to fright night festivities, it can be easy to lose sight of some ... Continue Reading