Disaster Prevention Tips

  • ‘Tis the Season to be Safe and Merry The holidays are filled with family and festivities. It is also a time to when being busy, one can lose sight of the holiday hazards that can happen at home. While for many, these tips are nothing new; taking a few minutes to review a short list of holiday decorating ... Continue Reading
  • Hurricane Season: Preparation Tips for the Unpredictable Whether watching news reports of hurricanes traveling up the coast or living through one, the damage caused by these severe storms are often devasting to people and property. High season is here and addressing preparedness can never be repeated often enough. To start, some ... Continue Reading
  • Heat and Humidity is Rising. Are You and Your Home Ready? Sunny days. Starry nights. That’s what many think of when it comes to summertime. However, protecting your home at this time of year should not be overlooked. As a follow-up to our previous focus on severe weather damage, this month we turn our attention to six other home ... Continue Reading
  • The Heat is On: Prepare Your Home for Summer It’s easy to get lost in summer fun and lose sight of the common hazards you as a homeowners might face at this time of year. With only a few weeks until the longest day of the year, here is a short list of ways to protect your home as temperatures rise. Rain & Hail Whether ... Continue Reading
  • Wintertime Fire Hazards Fires are not only a danger during the holidays - as temperatures drop, the dangers rise. Although many are familiar with the following tips, recent news stories have turned the spotlight on the catastrophic loss caused by a fire. Therefore, key reminders could not come at a ... Continue Reading