Keep Halloween Fun

Ghosts and goblins, witches and skeletons – these should be the scariest encounters we face on Halloween. Unfortunately, all tricks and treats aside, staying safe need to remain top of mind. When it comes to fright night festivities, it can be easy to lose sight of some common fire-related risks and masked dangers. Two of the most prominent at this time of year include:

Jack-o-Lanterns: Smiling or spooky, traditional pumpkins shining bright from within by a candle are a fire hazard as they can easily tip and ignite surrounding materials. TIP: Use battery-operated candle or LED lighting.

Candles: While ideal for creating an eerie entrance or haunted room, the use of candles near any sort of paper bags or lining can pose a great fire risk. TIP: Battery, no-flame candles can create the same ambiance safely.

A good piece of advice is to remember that any decorations can become a hazard if near a heat source. Just think… straw and hay bales too close beside a wood-burning stove or outdoor fire pit… Protect your family, friends and home by keeping decorations far away from potential ignitors.

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