The Heat is On: Prepare Your Home for Summer

It’s easy to get lost in summer fun and lose sight of the common hazards you as a homeowners might face at this time of year. With only a few weeks until the longest day of the year, here is a short list of ways to protect your home as temperatures rise.

Rain & Hail

Whether a pop-up thunderstorm, all-day showers or golf ball size hail, precipitation of any kind is a threat to a home. Heavy rains commonly associated with summer can really take a toll on a roof. We have already had a few severe downpours this spring so watching for signs of damage, such as loose or dangling shingles and shedding granules, is important. Windows and doors are not immune as well, and they should be checked regularly for proper sealing and possible leaks. 

Unlike rain, it is hard to prepare for the threat of hail. It’s more of a “wait and see” and “hope for the best” risk. Chips in windows, cracks in roofs or shakes and dents in siding, shingles or gutters– these are just some of the damage possible to a home. 

Wind & Debris

South Jersey has seen what seems to be an increase in windy days and nights – perhaps rivaling Chicago. Well maybe not that bad but just look outside on trash day to see some of the milder yet annoying impacts. 

However strong winds, and the resulting debris, can damage many areas of the home that play a role in protecting the house itself. For example, gutters and downspouts safeguard the foundation and any debris that blocks either or both can lead to costly structural deterioration. As is recommended after heavy rains, homeowners should check not only the roof, eaves and siding for damage but window and door seals for leaks.

Heat & Humidity

Hot and humid summer forecasts are commonplace up and down the east coast, including here in South Jersey. Such conditions are more than uncomfortable and a cause for serious health concerns. Heat and humidity can also wreak havoc to a home’s interior and exterior. On the inside, a muggy moist environment is a breeding ground for mold and also rotting wood. Outside, heat waves can be a silent threat causing a roof to expand and crack. Dehumidifiers and proper insulation are preventative solutions homeowners should keep in mind.

Power Outages

Whether caused by downed lines or an abundance of dead trees, losing power is more than an inconvenience. It can cause a loss of air conditioning, food spoilage, lack of water and more. What many homeowners don’t think about is their sump pump and the quick build-up of water that can occur if it stops even for a short time. This increases the possibility of a flooded basement. Installing a back-up power system can protect against such a calamity.

No matter the season … For questions or additional tips and resources, any ServiceMaster of Cherry Hill team member is available to address concerns.
