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Life can be unpredictable. Nobody believes that their home or business would ever be the scene of a crime but these things do happen. After the first responders and law enforcement officers have done their duties, recorded their evidence and left the scene, the home or business owners are left alone to deal with not only the trauma of what happened, but the cleanup. This can be detrimental to one’s mental health and wellbeing, but there are professional restoration and cleanup companies available to help. Service Master of Baltimore can help clean up your home or business so you can reestablish normalcy and get back to living your life.

Crime Scene Cleanup

Service Master responds immediately to assist with safe and efficient cleanup for incidents like homicides, unattended deaths, and drug labs. These sites can be contaminated by biohazards and dangerous chemicals. Our crime scene cleaning services include:

  • Biohazard cleanup
  • Removing stains and odors of blood and bodily fluids
  • Unattended death cleanup
  • Homicide and suicide cleanup
  • Removal of drug paraphernalia
  • Meth lab cleanup
  • Cleanup after use of tear gas
  • Cleanup of vehicles also offered

What to Expect from Service Master’s Cleanup Services

Service Master has the proper equipment to clean up these situations safely and effectively while disposing of hazardous materials as legally required. Our EPA-certified firm with highly trained staff knowledgeable about OSHA regulations respond quickly to provide the following services:

  • General health and safety evaluation
  • Establish containment to prevent cross-contamination
  • Safe and sanitary removal of bio-hazardous materials
  • Cleaning and deodorization of affected areas
  • Transportation and disposal of contaminates per OSHA regulations

Service Master works discreetly to restore your home or business to clean, working order. While it may be tempting not to spend the money to hire a professional cleaning crew, this decision could risk your health while also forcing you to relive the traumatic event all over again. In the aftermath of a tragedy, the health and safety of you, your family and/or employees should be your chief concern. Hiring a crime scene cleanup company helps shield everyone from exposure as well as the trauma.

Located in Baltimore, Service Master is available 24/7 to assist you with your crime scene cleanup needs so you can put this devastating event behind you and move on. Contact us online or call (410) 498-8030 for our help today.