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There’s a difference between accumulating regular household clutter and dealing with the effects of hoarding disorders. Hoarding can lead to the accumulation of hazardous substances and dangerous conditions in a home, not to mention its psychological effects. ServiceMaster of Baltimore wants you to know when it’s time to call a professional hoarding cleanup service so you can resolve both large and small hoarding situations.

Why Hire A Hoarding Professional?

Hoarding cleanup is more than just cleaning and decluttering. All items must be handled with the utmost care, not just to clean the house, but also to preserve everyone’s safety. You could try tackling the job yourself, but you will quickly find that there are more efficient ways to handle hoarding cleanup jobs. Professionals know what the most effective cleaning strategies are, meaning that they can get your house under control as safely and efficiently as possible.

Indicator 1: Occupants Are Getting Sick

If the occupants in your home are getting sick often, especially with respiratory symptoms, it might be a sign of mold contamination. Mold leads to respiratory symptoms like itchy skin, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, wheezing, or even difficulty breathing. People with compromised immune systems can become sick from mold in their environment. Hoarding can also lead to buildup of illness-causing bacteria like E. coli or can even create places for insect and rodent infestations. If your home is contaminated, you need to hire professionals.

Indicator 2: Things Have Gone Missing

Missing valuables is another sign that it’s time to call the professionals. This often means that the situation has become more than individual occupants can handle on their own due to excessive accumulation of belongings or dirt buildup. Whether it’s just one or two rooms in a home or an entire property, a professional can help clean up the area, find lost valuables, and return them to you.

Indicator 3: Cleanup Feels Impossible

If you’ve realized that cleanup is too much to handle, call a hoarding cleanup company. Cleaning the home of a hoarder is a difficult task that requires effective planning, detailed execution, and the right equipment. Our professionals apply their expertise to perform proper debris removal, biohazard disposal, content cleaning for salvageable items, and general cleaning, sanitizing, and deodorizing services. You don’t have to deal with hoarding alone.

Hoarding Cleanup Professionals in Baltimore, MD

ServiceMaster has over 60 years of experience restoring homes and businesses with cleanup services. We also offer services such as reconstruction, drying, cleaning, and returning your property to a safer, cleaner condition. We will offer seamless, compassionate, and peace of mind service from start to finish with complete project management.

View our website here to see how we can be of service to you or call us at 410-780-1700.