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Over the past several weeks, the water damage restoration experts at ServiceMaster of Baltimore have answered some of the home improvement questions we hear most often. This week we are going to tackle another home improvement nightmare: how to repair a Water Damaged Wall.

While dealing with water damage is never easy, repairing a water damaged wall is, at least, easier than repairing a floor or ceiling. As long as the damage is contained to the drywall and not the studs or other building materials, repairs should be fairly simple. Larger, more complex repairs; however, should be handled by a professional.

“How do I Repair a Water Damaged Wall?”

  1. Shut off Power: First and foremost, turn off power to the affected area. We probably don’t have to tell you that water and electricity do not mix well.
  2. Fix the Issue: The first thing you need to do is address the underlying issue. Where is the source of the damage? There is no point in fixing a water damaged wall if you do not first fix the source of the damage, which can be anything from a leaky roof to a burst pipe or broken window seal. To fix the underlying issue, you may need to call in a professional plumber or roofer.
  3. Water Removal: Next, you will need to remove any excess water.If water intrusion is minimal, you can most likely handle water removal yourself with a mop and bucket. If water intrusion is more extensive, you may need to enlist the help of a water damage specialist.
  4. Remove the Damaged Drywall: Now it is time to remove the damaged drywall and any wet insulation, a precursor to mold. Cut the damaged area in a shape that will be easily replaceable, such as a square or rectangle. If the affected area is rather large, be sure to expose studs on either side to support the new drywall.
  5. Repair Small Holes: Repairing small holes in a wall can be handled with a simple patch. Sand the area to be patched and ensure there are no rough edges. Next, place a piece of mesh tape over the hole. Cover the tape with spackle and smooth. When the spackle is dry, sand until smooth. Then paint!
  6. Repair Larger Holes: For more extensive water damage, you will need to purchase a piece of drywall large enough to replace the affected area. Cut the new drywall to fit the hole and nail to the studs. Next, cover the edges with drywall tape and spackle. When the spackle is dry, sand until smooth. Then paint!
  7. Enjoy Your New Wall!

We hope you have found these home improvement tips helpful. Continue to check back for new tips each and every week. The next frequently asked home improvement question we are going to tackle is “How do I Repair a Water Damaged Window Frame?”
