Air Duct Cleaning for Kenosha, WI

Your air ducts, and HVAC system as a whole, are responsible for circulating air throughout your building.

This is a particularly important task during cold winter months when heat is important, and summers when the AC is running regularly.

Despite this, many property owners fail to maintain their HVAC systems until something goes wrong.

At ServiceMaster Kwik Restore, we offer comprehensive air duct cleaning services to property owners in Kenosha, WI, to assist you in your time of need, and prevent problems from occurring in the first place.

We remove harmful dust, pollen, and other debris from your air ducts, and work to make your HVAC system run more efficiently.

Dirty Air Ducts Man drying a floor

Maintaining clean air ducts is important for a variety of reasons. Allowing them to become lined with filth can lead to poor air quality in your building, health complications, and even a higher electricity bill.

  • The Buildup of Allergens: Dust and pollen are the two primary elements that build up within air ducts. As your HVAC system takes in air, these lightweight materials get sucked in and dispersed throughout your building. This translates to decreased air quality, which can lead to allergic reactions, asthma attacks, and respiratory infections in severe cases.
  • Higher Electricity Bills: Your HVAC system will do whatever it takes to regulate your air to desired temperatures. When it becomes dirty, it must work harder to achieve this. As a result, you will have higher electricity bills, and your HVAC system’s operational life will decrease.

Air Duct Cleaning Services

The frequency with which we recommend you receive air duct cleaning services depends on your living conditions. If a smoker or pets live in the house, or somebody in the building is sensitive to allergies, then we recommend more frequent cleanings.

If you are moving into a new home, then we also encourage you to take advantage of our services. Generally speaking, it is good to have your air ducts cleaned once every 2 to 5 years.

When it comes to cleaning your air ducts, we offer two options here at ServiceMaster Kwik Restore:

  • Maintenance Cleaning: This option is great for those who have had their air ducts cleaned within the last 4 or 5 years. This is generally the time it takes for a detrimental buildup of debris to accumulate, so the cleaning process will remain relatively straightforward.
  • Restorative Cleaning: This option is designed for those who have not had their air ducts cleaned within the last 4 or 5 years. It involves a more thorough cleaning because of the greater levels of settled debris.

In both cases, our certified technicians will utilize advanced cleaning equipment and methodologies to ensure a quality result. We also make sure that air duct component parts are properly cleaned and reassembled.

We are proud to assist property owners in Kenosha, WI.

To take advantage of our air duct cleaning services, contact our ServiceMaster Kwik Restore representatives at 888 SM-KWIK1

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