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7 Signs That Your Home Has Water Damage

What Causes Water Damage?

Water damage is a serious hazard and happens far more often than people think. Recognizing the signs of water damage in the home is crucial. It can strike a home at any time, resulting from any number of different problems, leaving the homeowner unsure of where to turn for water extraction and restoration. Any leak, whether due to faulty plumbing, a leaky roof or other issues, can cause structural damage which can continue to worsen over time if not properly treated. Understanding the signs of water damage in the home can help you take timely action and prevent further deterioration. Here are seven key signs to watch for.

Property damage from water and leaks is the third most common cause of homeowner loss. According to the Insurance Information Institute (Triple I) “Properly maintaining a home is one of the best ways to prevent water damage from water disasters”. Many water damage losses can be prevented since most water damage occurs when slow, gradual leaks become a bigger problem seemingly overnight. The average property damage claim from water damage costs $12,514 (Triple I).

The problem is that many people feel they can simply fix any water damage on their own. While this may be true in cases of minimal damage, the most water damage that you can see is actually only the tip of the iceberg - there is often much more damage that you cannot see. Most water damage begins deep in the walls of your home and can lead to structural damage that only a trained professional can diagnose and repair. If you think your Plainville home has sprung a leak, you should contact a water mitigation specialist to get the problem taken care of quickly before the structural integrity of your home is compromised.

Water damage can also quickly result in mold beginning to grow. Some types of mold can cause serious, and even potentially lethal, health problems, and repairing mold damage can be costly. Thus any delays in seeking remediation help could end up causing health problems for you and your family and could cost thousands of dollars more in repairs.  So it is even more important that you recognize the signs of water damage so you can get the problem fixed before it gets too serious.

Signs That Your Home Has Water Damage 

Any water damage expert will tell you that the most important factor in determining the extent and costs of water damage is how quickly you are able to spot the damage and begin fixing it.  Some signs of water damage are easy to spot, while others require a bit more of a trained eye. Still, if you suspect that there has been water damage, you should be on the lookout for the following signs:

Dark or wet spots on the wall or ceiling

Dark or wet spots on walls or ceilings are clear indicators of water damage. These spots may appear as stains or discoloration and can be a sign of a leaking roof, burst pipe, or other water intrusion. Over time, these spots can grow and lead to more severe structural issues.

Drywall that begins to flake or crack

When drywall is exposed to water, it can start to flake, crack, or crumble. This damage often appears as bubbling, peeling, or sagging in the affected areas. Compromised drywall not only looks unsightly but can also weaken the structural integrity of your walls.

water damaged ceiling

Wet spots, drips or puddles around your pipes, sinks, toilets, taps, etc.

If you notice wet spots, drips, or puddles around your pipes, sinks, toilets, or taps, it is a strong indication of a leak. Even minor leaks can cause significant damage over time, so it’s essential to address them promptly to prevent further issues.

A damp, musty or moldy smell that suddenly appears; there could also be a sewage smell coming from any plumbing fixtures

If you notice wet spots, drips, or puddles around your pipes, sinks, toilets, or taps, it is a strong indication of a leak. Even minor leaks can cause significant damage over time, so it’s essential to address them promptly to prevent further issues.

Hearing water running even when all the fixtures are turned off

If you hear water running or dripping sounds when all fixtures are turned off, it could indicate a hidden leak within your walls or floors. This constant sound is a red flag that water is escaping somewhere it shouldn’t be, and it requires investigation and repair.

A sudden increase in utility bills

An unexpected spike in your utility bills, especially your water bill, can be a sign of a hidden leak. Even small, unnoticed leaks can waste a significant amount of water, leading to higher bills and potential water damage.

Suddenly feeling unusual dampness or humidity in the home

Unusual dampness or increased humidity in your home can be a sign of water damage. This moisture can come from leaks, poor ventilation, or water intrusion. Over time, excess humidity can lead to mold growth and other structural problems.

Mitigate the Water Damage

Being aware of these signs can help you catch water damage early and take the necessary steps to prevent further harm to your home. If you suspect water damage, it’s crucial to contact a professional for inspection and restoration services. If your home has experienced water damage, it is important to know where to turn for water damage restoration so that the source of the water may be found and repaired, and the damage fixed. ServiceMaster Dynamic Cleaning has the knowledge, experience, and technology to help restore your home. We've been helping homeowners recover from water damage and floods for over 25 years and guarantee your satisfaction when the job is done.
