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When a fire damages your belongings, count on ServiceMaster Restore® to be at your side with the expertise and guidance to get the job done right. We’ll start by evaluating your contents to determine the best methods of restoration and identify the items that are non-restorable. Then, we’ll clean, deodorize and restore your items on-site as needed, or take it to our secured, climate-controlled location to be cleaned.

If your content needs to be taken to our site for cleaning, our Packout and Content Restoration process includes:

  • Inventory, pack and transport your belongings to our climate-controlled warehouse
  • Provide a printed copy of the inventory items
  • Restore, clean and deodorize items. Track and document contents throughout the restoration process
  • Provide easy access to items when needed
  • Return items to your home

Whether cleaned on-site or at our facility, let the specialized experts at ServiceMaster Restore handle your precious items. Our technicians clean, deodorize and restore items that include:

  • Photos
  • Furniture
  • Keepsakes
  • Artwork
  • Fabrics
  • Clothing
  • Jewlery
  • And More...
Restoring Peace of Mind

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