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Comprehensive Fire Damage Restoration in Columbus, NE

24/7 Fire Damage Repair Services in Columbus

In April 2022, at least 16 wildfires broke out around the state due to drought, low humidity, and strong wind gusts. The Columbus, NE, community is at moderate risk of wildfires, and local officials are investing in wildfire control projects. Still, that isn’t always enough when a fire causes significant property damage.

Fortunately, ServiceMaster Cleaning & Restoration Services has local and national resources to help homeowners like you in the community recover from fire damage of any kind. Our comprehensive and precise restoration services support families who’ve experienced minor and major property damage after a devastating fire.

We only employ the most highly trained and knowledgeable professionals to assist you in rebuilding your home and your life. You can count on our team for 24-hour support that helps you clean, disinfect, deodorize, and restore the things you’ve lost.

Contact our fire restoration experts for help after a disaster - call(402) 532-1264 orreach out online!

How Do I Remove Smoke Smells & Ash Stains from My Home?

After a fire, smoke odors and ash stains on hard and soft surfaces can continue to damage your home. Removing foul smells and blemishes from personal possessions requires patience, proprietary cleaning products, and state-of-the-art equipment for satisfying results.

For an at-home treatment, we recommend using 4 teaspoons of TSP (Trisodium Phosphate) mixed with 1 cup of a chemical cleaner or bleach. Dab any tough soot stains with the mixture and rinse the area with water. Avoid using this solution on delicate fabrics that can easily be damaged.

Why Is Smoke Harmful?

Lingering smoke after a fire is more than just an unpleasant odor; it poses significant health hazards and can cause extensive damage to your property if not addressed promptly. Smoke particles can infiltrate deep into the fabric of your home, embed into walls, and permeate household items, making them unsafe for use. These microscopic particles can lead to respiratory distress, eye irritation, and other health issues when inhaled over time.

In addition, smoke carries corrosive substances that can cause further damage to the materials it has penetrated. The process of effectively cleaning and deodorizing your home post-fire is complex and requires professional expertise. That's why enlisting professional fire and smoke restoration services is crucial. These specialists possess the necessary equipment, chemicals, and skills to eliminate smoke residue, ensuring both the structural integrity of your property and the health of its inhabitants.

Our professionals use the following tools to remove odors:

  • Hydroxyl generators
  • Ozone machines
  • Dehumidifiers
  • Thermal fog machines

Every piece of equipment used to restore your home is industrial-grade and extremely powerful at removing unwanted stains and odors to improve air quality and help you breathe easier.

What Other Issues Can Occur After a Fire?

Property damage is inevitable if the flames aren’t extinguished quickly when a fire breaks out at your home. Soot, ash, and smoke aren’t the only types of damage you’ll have to combat. You may also have to deal with moisture and mold.

Addressing Moisture Damage Effectively

Using water or a fire extinguisher to put out a fire can cause just as much damage as the fire itself. When moisture is left on surfaces, it can weaken fibers and soft materials and trap bacteria that break down fabrics. If extreme firefighting measures were taken, you need a professional team for water removal services.

Professional Mold Remediation After Fires

Along with leaving stains, bacteria, and odors behind, standing water after a fire can result in mold growth. Mold can penetrate hard and soft surfaces, including structural components and your foundation. Avoid trying to remediate mold yourself, as you could transfer spores to other unaffected surfaces. Allow our Columbus restoration team to take care of any mold after a devastating fire.

For fire and smoke restoration services in Columbus, turn to our expert team! You cancontact us online or call(402) 532-1264.

Preventing Residential Fires: Common Causes and Safety Tips

Fire can be an incredibly destructive force and it is important to take preventative steps to limit fire risk in the home. Common causes of fires include:

  • heating appliances
  • electrical faults
  • smoking
  • candles
  • cooking-related accidents

By understanding these fire hazards, you will be able to decrease your risk of fire damage to your home. Make sure to use caution while cooking, empty the filters for your dryer and heating systems, and check your electrical systems for faulty wiring.

Fire safety is not something to be taken lightly; following fire safety guidelines could save you money, time, and most of all, the integrity of your home and well-being.

Emergency Fire Damage Response Team in Columbus

Fire is a devastating reality that can quickly cause extensive damage and irreparable harm, which is why we are dedicated to restoring your home as soon as possible.

Our fire damage experts are available 24/7/365 to assist in restoring your home from a natural or human-made fire. Regardless of the extent of the damage, we’re here to help you day or night get your life back to normal.

Ready to Restore Your Home? Contact Our Columbus Fire Damage Team Today!