How To Prevent Grease Fires

The best way to prevent cooking fires in your kitchen is to remove common fire hazards and to understand the flash points for the oils you use.

Make sure to stay safe in the kitchen by:

1. Keep your eyes on the stove.

When you are cooking, especially with hot oil and grease, pay close attention. When hot oils begin to boil and smoke, it's a sign they could start a grease fire.

2. Do not overheat your oil.

Cooking oils should be heated slowly. Do not exceed the flash point for the oil you are using.

3. Remove combustible materials from the cooking area. Keeping your space clean is important. Always wipe up when pots boil over on the stovetop and clean your oven if you have food or grease buildup. Be sure to keep items like paper towels at a safe distance from burners and hot oil.

4. Keep the lid handy.

If your cooking pot catches fire, there is no time to locate a lid. Keep the lid for your pot nearby when you are cooking, even if you don't think you'll need it.

5. Know where your fire extinguisher is and how to use it.

Having a fire extinguisher in the house will not make a difference if you don't know where it is or how to use it. Examine your fire extinguisher to know what type of fire it's designed for. Keep a safe distance from the fire when using a fire extinguisher, and spray the fire from the side, so it blows away from you. Replace fire extinguishers as directed on their labels.

Fires in the kitchen can be scary and dangerous. Because half of all cooking fires are grease fires, it's important to know how to prevent them and how to handle them safely if they occur.

If you have a grease fire in the kitchen, leave the pan and turn off the heat source. Cut off air to the fire by sliding a lid on top of the pan or using salt or baking soda. Do not ever use water on a grease fire.

It's wise to have a class K fire extinguisher in the kitchen. Make sure that you (and others in your home) know how to use it properly. Call 911 immediately if you don't know what to do or if the fire becomes out of control.

Keeping your cooking space free of combustibles and monitoring your pans closely is very important.