Hurricanes are severe tropical storms that consist of strong winds, heavy rain, thunder and lightning storms. Follow these tips to prepare your home or business to weather the storm.
- Stay Informed: Listen to a battery-powered NOAA Weather Radio, regular radio, or television for updated information.If the electricity should go out, you will still be able to receive emergency information.
- Assemble an Emergency Supply Kit. Kits should include flashlight, extra batteries, non-perishable food items, first aid kit, bottled water, portable radio, etc. in the event you are without power for three to five days.
- Prepare an Emergency Plan.Such plans should include means of communication, multiple evacuation routes, utility shut off and safety procedures, etc.
- Protect Your Property. Cover all home and business windows, turn off propane tanks, disconnect electrical appliances and equipment not is use, secure outdoor objects, install emergency generator if possible, close storm shutters, move furniture and object away from windows, elevate boxes and equipment if possible
- Stay Indoors. Make every effort to stay indoors during times of extreme weather conditions.
For more information on Hurricane Preparedness visit the following websites: Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)