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Residential Mold Remediation in Wichita, KS

Recover Your Home Back From Mold Damage

ServiceMaster By Best is your go-to guide for mold remediation services. Our professionals have the advanced tools and understanding to assess your home, diagnose problems, and take immediate action to protect your property and family. We’ll use EPA-registered products to disinfect walls, floors, and countertops. For more extensive mold damage, we’ll use more restorative methods, like sanding down wood, cutting away drywall, and more.

Our professional mold remediation team knows how to identify and eliminate mold at its source. If you have a mold infestation in your floors, we’ll first clean and sanitize your floorboards and then dispose of and replace any carpeting. We’ll make sure your home and family are protected from the damage that these unwanted fungi can cause. If you need mold remediation in Wichita, KS and surrounding areas, reach out to us today!

Our Mold Remediation Process

Regardless of what caused your mold infestation, our mold remediation experts have a solution that will fully eliminate the problem.

Our mold remediation process includes:

  • Locating the source of the problem and determining its cause
  • Assessing any damages
  • Isolating and containing the mold to minimize or eliminate the spread. We’ll use various techniques, including physical barriers and negative air pressure
  • Removing microscopic mold spores from the air through capturing, filtering, and scrubbing
  • Removing mold using antifungal and antimicrobial treatments
  • Disposing of any porous, mold-infested materials
  • Cleaning, sanitizing, and deodorizing any damaged belongings
  • Repairing and restoring damaged areas of your property

What is mold?

We have probably all encountered mold at one time or another. It might have been in the shower, or on a stale piece of bread or cheese.

There are many different species of mold, but all molds share some common characteristics:

  • Molds thrive in moist and humid environments
  • Molds require organic food source. One common food source is cellulose, which is found in building materials such as wood and drywall.
  • Molds are spread by microscopic airborne particles called "spores".

Molds and mold spores are naturally present in the outdoor environment all around us. However, indoor mold growth can become tenacious problem. Mold spread rapidly and produces an unpleasant musty odor. If allowed to grow unchecked, mold can cause discoloration and structural damage to building materials. A significant amount of mold can impact indoor air quality and can be difficult and costly to remove. Mold contamination is a growing concern for many homeowners, property managers, insurance providers and restoration companies.

Can I Clean Up the Mold Myself?

Mold that is not properly cleaned and removed may end up spreading further throughout the house, creating a more dangerous environment. Keep you, your family, and your pets safe -- contact ServiceMaster By Best and our mold remediation professionals will use the best technology and procedures to remove the mold safely and completely.

What is the best defense against mold?

Mold can start to grow in as little as 48 hours. To prevent the spread of mold, it is important to react quickly in the event of water damage. By identifying and eliminating the source of the water and implementing rapid drying process, mold growth can be curtailed. The most effective drying techniques involve the uses of sensitive tools to measure and record the temperature, humidity and moisture content of both the structure and contents of the home or building. Professional water damage restoration can mean the difference between a small cleanup problem versus a structure covered with mold.

What Happens If Mold is Detected in My Home?

If we observe mold while cleaning in your home, we will respond appropriately, immediately reporting our observations to you or the insurance company. When the extent of mold contamination is isolated and/or less than 10 square feet, expensive testing and protocol are generally not required. We will isolate the contaminated area and remove the mold, while protecting the surrounding areas from the possible spread of mold spores.

When we encounter a affected areas of more than 10 square feet, we will contain the contaminated area, stop normal water mitigation procedures and immediately notify you and your insurance provider. In these cases, we strongly recommend the use on environmental testing service to establish baseline levels of molds, identify the types of mold present and develop a written remediation plan. Our goal is to work with you and the insurance company to establish the proper procedures to handle the mold situation.

Need mold removal in Wichita, KS? Reach out to our remediation experts at (316) 669-5057 for immediate services.