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Pre-Loss Planning Services in Wichita

Our Large Loss Restoration Company Helps You Prepare Today So You're Protected Tomorrow

Failing to prepare for disasters is a foolish mistake for any business to make. While the process of pre-loss planning may not be glamorous, it is fundamental for guarding your business against an unexpected calamity. Quoting American businessman Alan Lakein, "Planning is bringing the future into the present... you can do something about it now." What is your plan? Not planning to meet the challenge when you experience a flood or fire can be devastating. Many have shut their doors after a major flood or fire due to lack of a contingency plan.

Disasters may strike when you’re least expecting them, but that doesn’t mean you always have to be unprepared. As a business owner, it’s very important that you always anticipate the worst so that when that time does arrive, you are ready to respond. ServiceMaster Restore® is here to help you minimize any disruptions to your business in the event of a disaster. We are a commercial restoration company that specializes in pre-loss planning and business continuity plans. Our experts will help you prepare a plan that will help you mitigate losses.

With our pre-loss planning services, you’ll be better prepared for the unexpected and you’ll be able to get back to business faster following a disaster. As a business owner, you already know that losing just one day can severely impact your company as well as your employees. With ServiceMaster Restore on your side, you can be ready for the worst.

What Is A Business Continuity Plan?

A business continuity plan will help prepare you and your employees for a large number of disasters. This plan includes creating preventative and recovery strategies so that you know exactly what to do to get back to normal as quickly as possible.

Why Plan Ahead?

Simply put, disaster can strike at any moment, and being unprepared will only make the recovery and restoration process more extensive. With a business continuity plan, you’ll know how to operate until your building, the technology, and everything else is fully restored to pre-loss conditions.

Even if work is unable to be done on-site, having a contingency plan will help you manage this temporary situation. It will also help to keep your essential equipment safe.

Planning ahead will help you:

  • Limit the severity of disruption to your business
  • Prepare for working remotely if your office is severely damaged
  • Expedite the restoration process
  • Minimize any financial losses
  • Equip employees and managers with the information and training they need to get their jobs done until everything is restored
  • Avoid closing your doors permanently

Don’t Be Left Unprepared!

Many business owners are so focused on the countless daily tasks that come with running a business, they don’t think about what they would do if a disaster – be it a flood, fire, or severe weather – were to severely impact their property and their business. At ServiceMaster Restore, we know all too well about what can happen when disaster strikes: business owners are left unsure about how to rebuild and continue.

We are here to provide the peace of mind you need to make sure your business is protected. We’ll help you determine the best plan of action you and your employees should take using the proper tools, resources, and planning. A rapid response is critical after a disaster. No matter how challenging the situation, we can assess your situation and immediately help you recover. We’ll be by your side every step of the way. With us, your business is in the best hands.

How can ServiceMaster By Best help you plan?

  • We are the go-to source to help your business have a plan should there be a small localized event or a regional event.
  • When large regional disasters occur, ServiceMaster has a national network that mobilizes to meet your needs in the region, and assist national companies that have their branches in Wichita and surrounding areas.
  • For national property management firms, when necessary to your schedule, we bring quick and affordable solutions to meet the delivery schedule of your client.
  • The management understands the requirements that are necessary of our large facility clients.
  • Light duty cleaning or deep cleaning and restoration, we stand ready to meet your needs..
  • Dust suppression, humidity control, high beam cleaning, pressure washing, floor care, carpet cleaning, dust, dirt and grime removal, dry-ice blasting, fire-damage restoration, etc. We stand ready to serve.

What can you do?

Plan to Stay in Business -

  • Make a shelter in place plan.
  • Emergency planning for your employees.
  • Plan to stay or go in certain events.
  • Make evacuation plans.
  • Continuity planning is the key in the event of any dramatic business situation.
  • Emergency supplies you will need to keep your business operational.

Communicate with Your People & Your Team -

  • Practice the plan with key staff members and leaders.
  • Practice the plan with each employee.
  • Promote Individual and family preparedness.
  • Have a written and simple crisis communication plan.

Protect Your Investments -

  • Consider an annual review of your insurance policies.
  • Prepare for utility disruption and have an alternate plan.
  • Secure buildings, facilities, plants and offices.
  • Consider cyber security in your plan.
We are here for you 24/7. Reach out to us today at (316) 669-5057 to learn more about our commercial restoration services.