How Do You Know If Your Hot Water Heater Is Leaking?

Hot water heater failures are one of the top five sources of residential water damage claims. According to a recent finding, 69-percent of water heater failures resulted from a slow leak or sudden burst, and cost, on average, $4,444 per incident – after the deductible!

90-percent of water heater insurance claims were from slow-leaking hot water heaters, but the supply line failure typically costs homeowners 60-percent more. Stay alert for signs of water damage.

Catching and fixing slow leaks early and before they become sudden bursts can save you and your policy a lot of money.

Signs that you have a hot water heater leak

Always Look For Signs of a Water Leak

  • Water collecting or pooling in the drip pan
  • Excessive moisture (not condensation) or mold growth
  • Soft wood or sunken flooring material around your heater
  • Wet or crumpling dry wall (Gypsum)

Important Considerations for Hot Water Heater Leaks

Maintenance and life-expectancy are huge factors for water heater leaks. 95-percent of hot water heater losses is caused by water heaters of 20 years old. Maintenance, water quality and sediment are big factors in extending the life of your water heater.

hot water heater leaking signs

Temperature Pressure Relief Valve (TPR)

The temperature pressure relief valve is the most common leak-causing component in a hot water heater. It’s a brass valve that regulates the pressure of your water heater tank. Inspect and discharge your valve regularly.

Check the Drain Valve

You, or your plumber, should clear sediment from your water heater tank regularly. Sometimes clearing your water tank leaves sediment in the valve and won’t allow it to seal again. Another clearing may clear the blockage, or it may need to be replaced.

Safety Precautions and Inspections

Always ensure that your hot water heater is cooled before performing maintenance or tests. Be aware of the state of the main supply line, and if you need help – hire a qualified, licensed plumber.

Not sure if you have a water leak? Ask for a Free Central Oregon Home Inspection

If you’re not sure you have a water leak or water damage, you can always call us for a free Central Oregon home inspection. You can always call us for an honest evaluation on the phone and we perform free inspection. For over 20 years, we have set the standard of care in Bend and Central Oregon.

And, as always  – Don’t Wait To Mitigate!
