Water Damage Restoration in Alexandria | What you Need to Know About Buying a Water-Damaged Home

If you are looking to buy a home in high risky areas you should consider additional flooding insurance from a reliable company.  It is also essential to understand that water damage has the potential to affect a home’s value. 

So, what are some of the things that a homeowner should consider when buying a water-damaged home?

Do an Inspection Before Purchasing

You should schedule an inspection before contemplating purchasing a home with water damage difficulties. The inspection will provide important facts about the property. For example, it may disclose that the damage is significantly more extensive than previously anticipated or that it is limited and not as severe as it appears. In any case, you must be aware of these facts before proceeding.

Get the Right Insurance Policy | Water Damage Restoration

The next step is to investigate homeowner’s insurance for this property, as previous water damage may limit your coverage options. Your local insurance agents are the best people to assist you with estimates and coverage. You’ll want to know if you’re covered if you find future problems due to previous water damage. 

Unfortunately, some insurance companies will refuse to insure a water-damaged home. You may discover that insurance prices are prohibitively high or that the agency will not cover you. In this case, it might be prudent to pass on this residence.

Consult a Contractor

While an examination is necessary, you should not rely solely on it. If you are serious about purchasing a home with water damage, you should check the home’s condition with a professional. ServiceMaster is a reputable firm with professionals to help estimate the cost of repairs and assist you in water damage restoration, getting your home back to functionality.

Negotiate for a Better Price

Buying a water-damaged home gives you one significant benefit as a buyer: the home has faults that you are willing to accept. You can use this information to negotiate a lower price, saving yourself thousands of dollars.

If you are considering buying a property, we hope you find these recommendations useful and that they help alleviate your concerns about the possibility of water damage and cleanup challenges. Do not hesitate to contact us at ServiceMaster NCR for water damage restoration.
