Quick Ways to Clean Your Home in Minutes | Water Damage Cleanup in Alexandria

Cleaning is a daunting task for many, yet important to maintain a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing home. In the event of water damage, the best approach would be to get professionals for the job. If you are in Alexandria and looking for cleanup services after water damage, ServiceMaster provides water damage cleanup in Alexandria and the environs. 

If you are finding it difficult to keep your home clean, try these quick ways to clean your home in minutes. 


Your home might be clean, but clutter makes it look otherwise. Pick up clutter from each room and organize things where they need to be. 

Freshen up the Entryway

Shake up your entry rug, put away your vacuum, remove shoes from the entryways and dust the surfaces. 

Refresh the Kitchen 

Wipe the countertops and appliances, including the fridge, microwave, dishwasher, and kettle. Spot mop the floor and toss tablecloths in the wash for a quick kitchen refresh. Clean the sinks and ensure the drains are free-flowing. 

If you notice water marks under the sink or a musty smell when you open the cabinets, this could indicate water damage around the sink areas. ServiceMaster can come on board, assess the extent of damage, and start the cleanup. We provide water damage cleanup in Alexandria and are happy to help you restore your home after water damage. 

Freshen Up the Bathroom

Stock up your bathroom with the supplies it needs to be fully functional. Also, replace towels and clean the toilet. Dust the shelves and wipe the mirrors to refresh the space. 

Maintain Order in the Living Room

Fluff up the pillows, fold the blankets, and organize Knick knacks in baskets. Pick up the remotes, magazines, and books. Vacuum the carpets and use a lint roller on furniture to remove pet hair and loose dirt. 

Stay on top of your home aesthetic by doing these small things every day. For extreme messes resulting from water damage, bringing a professional on board is advisable. ServiceMaster is a reliable company if you are looking for water damage cleanup in Alexandria
