Posts from 2019

  • Is Your Senior Loved One a Hoarder? How You Can Help As we get older, it’s only natural to accumulate personal belongings. That said, it isn’t uncommon for your elderly loved ones to have a lot of personal items from throughout their lifetime. However, there comes a point where having a lot of items isn’t simply collecting but ... Continue Reading
  • Happy Thanksgiving! 2019 In this time of gratitude, we give thanks for you, our customers and friends. We value your patronage and appreciate your loyalty and confidence in ServiceMaster NCR. We are deeply thankful and extend to you our best wishes for a happy and healthy Thanksgiving Day! “ As we ... Continue Reading
  • Cooking and Fire Safety Tips for Thanksgiving On Thanksgiving, people across the country will be getting together to eat more than 700 million pounds of turkey. This much turkey means that there will be a lot of food preparation and cooking done in the couple days leading up to Thanksgiving. As you start preparing your ... Continue Reading
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