4th of July – Firework Safety for Your Celebration

According to the National Fire Protection Association, fireworks injure thousands of people each year and can cause fires that lead to substantial property damage. Fireworks can be dangerous for anyone, but the risk of injury is even higher for children.
Follow these fireworks safety tips from the experts at ServiceMaster Restore – and make it a safe and enjoyable celebration for everyone.

fireworksFireworks DOs and DON’Ts

Consider these rules your starting point for handling fireworks responsibly:

  • DO obey all local laws.
  • DO read all fireworks instructions and labels before you light them.
  • DO wear safety glasses and protect your hair when lighting fireworks.
  • DO move back from the firework as soon as you light it.
  • DO keep water buckets and a charged hose within easy reach.
  • DO tell the local fire department if you see illegal fireworks.

  • DON’T let kids light fireworks or play near them unattended.
  • DON’T mix alcohol and fireworks.
  • DON’T light more than one firework at a time.
  • DON’T relight dud fireworks that fizzled out. Instead, wait 20 minutes, soak it in water and throw it out.
  • DON’T try to make your own fireworks.

Firework Safety for Kids

The little guys are going to be excited when the fireworks come out, so help them enjoy the experience safely. Talk to them about the rules and explain clearly that fireworks can pose a real injury and fire risk. Reassure any youngsters that you’re in charge and it’s going to be fun and safe, but only if they follow some rules:

  • Hold sparklers away from the body.
  • Hold sparklers away from other people.
  • No touching firework pieces on the ground after they explode.
  • No lighting fireworks.
  • No playing near fireworks alone.
  • Tell an adult if one of the other kids breaks a rule.

Fireworks Safety for Pets

Pets do not like fireworks. Keep them safe with these easy tips:

  • Prepare a cozy crate or room where you can close the door and know they’re safe during fireworks.
  • Play before the party. That way, they’re ready to relax when it’s time to crate them.
  • Tell any guests not to disturb your pets, their crate or their room. Put a sign on doors as a reminder.
  • Consult your veterinarian if you need options to sedate your pets if you know they are high-strung.
  • Be sure your phone number is visible on a tag and keep your pets microchipped with updated information in case they do get scared and manage to run away.

Follow these basic rules and fireworks safety practices and enjoy your 4th of July celebration.

Seek immediate medical attention in the event of an injury, and if your property suffers smoke or fire damage, call the professionals at ServiceMaster NCR at (202) 318-2245 –  we are standing by 24/7/365 to help. Contact us and learn how our restoration experts can help you get your home back to normal as quickly as possible.
