The 2016 Homeowners Guide to Mold – Part 1


Dear Homeowner,

Finding mold in your home is scary. We like to think our home is safe – and it should be.

What if I told you that mold doesn’t have to hurt the value of your home, or cost thousands in repairs …and that getting rid of mold isn’t hard when you have a blueprint?

In this guide I will teach you:

• What is mold?

• Why mold is more dangerous today?

• Why it is critical to act now

• When can I DIY?

• Selling your home – what will the buyer say?

• 3 easy steps to mold prevention

• 3 critical questions to ask every mold company before they enter your home

• How to choose the right company

This 2016 Homeowner’s Guide to Mold is written to restore your peace of mind by helping you take action. If you’ve found mold, or suspect mold in your home, follow these instructions and your mold problem will be solved.

I know your time is valuable, so if you are ready to have the mold professionally removed, learn how to choose the right company.


Considering the amount of information online, I won’t go into too much detail here. However, there are a few basic things you should know about mold to help you understand why it is a problem.

Mold is a fungus that includes thousands of different species. There are three requirements for mold growth: Spores, Food and Water.

Let’s address each in turn, keeping this in mind as we learn more: mold is alive, and like all living things it wants to feed, grow and will defend itself if necessary.

➢ Spores

Mold spores are everywhere. In small quantities, your immune system deals with them like anything else. The problem is when the concentration of spores in the air gets too high – a problem that is greatest indoors.

➢ Food

Mold grows on cellulose – the most abundant organic material on earth. Most of the material in your home is made up of cellulose, including:

Wood Framing
Ceiling Tiles
Plywood Subfloor
Wood Floors
Wood Trim

…even the glue used in construction often contains cellulose.

➢ Moisture

Like a plant seed, mold spores need moisture to grow. Once moisture is available, mold growth can begin rapidly. When mold is growing, it produces a gas causing a “moldy” odor. If the smell goes away, it simply means that the mold is not growing. Unlike a plant, however, mold doesn’t die without moisture – it simply goes dormant.

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headshot of Greg GandeeA Few Words About the Author

Greg Gandee has worked with the top insurance carriers, including: State Farm, Nationwide, Allstate, Travelers, Farmers and USAA. He’s helped thousands of customers breathe cleaner air by removing unwanted mold from their homes.

• 31 years Restoration Expert

• Collaborator ServiceMaster Quality Vendor Program

• Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC)

• ASD Applied Structural Drying

• WRT Water Damage Restoration

• Extensive background in building materials and floor coverings

• Hazardous Waste Operations & Emergency Response Standard (Hazwoper) Certification

• CAT Loss Manager
