Traditional or Trifect Mold Remediation – Case Study

The Mold Issue

This client’s large finished basement had suffered several losses, including a plumbing leak from above, a sewage backup surrounding the bathroom, and extensive mold growth under the wallpaper from the excess humidity that these losses produced.  While the homeowner’s policy covered a portion of the loss, the bulk of the mold remediation was not.

The Solution

A traditional approach to mold remediation would have involved a full pack-out of the basement, removal of over 1,000 square feet of drywall, and a three month overall turnaround including replacing all of the structure and moving the furniture and other personal items back in.  The total cost would have been in excess of $35,000 and produced over half a ton of waste.

Utilizing the Trifect system, ServiceMaster NCR technicians removed all mold growth and disinfected the sewage damaged drywall.  The furniture remained in place, only limited reconstruction work was necessary, and the final cost represented a 65% savings over traditional methods.

The Results

Remediation required only two days to complete, and the Trifect system gained another happy customer.

Compared with tradition methods Trifect mold remediation is much less invasive. Call ServiceMaster NCR at (202) 318-2245 for more information.
