ServiceMaster Recovery Management (SRM)

Large Disasters

With ServiceMaster National Capital Restoration you can feel confident knowing that we have you covered even in the largest disasters. That’s because our resources allow us to call on ServiceMaster Recovery Management (SRM) for the most significant and complex recoveries.

We’re able to offer SRM thanks to the vast ServiceMaster Restore network, which includes thousands of commercial disaster recovery experts spread across over 600 locations. It’s this network that seamlessly integrates under the management of SRM to handle the largest commercial disasters.

ServiceMaster Restore Network

And because the ServiceMaster Restore network covers 90% of the nation’s zip codes, SRM can mobilize a local team to respond to a disaster at a moment’s notice, in order to lessen business interruption. While SRM handles large disasters, you can still expect the same ServiceMaster Restore service and attention to detail.

So no matter the size of your disaster, rest assured knowing that ServiceMaster National Capital Restoration, along with SRM, has you covered every step of the way.

SRM Services

If your business experiences a large disaster, ServiceMaster National Capital Restoration will call on ServiceMaster Recovery Management to offer you many of the following services:

• Immediate Site Inspection and Estimates

• Temporary Buildings/Temporary Shelters/CATTent Communities

• Water Mitigation

• Board-Up

• Temporary Roofing

• Dehumidification, Moisture, and Odor Control

• Fire, Smoke and Water Restoration

• Emergency Power/Lighting

• Temporary Air Conditioning and Cooling Towers

• Portable Toilets, Showers, Hand-Washing Stations and Laundry Facilities

• Data, Content and Equipment Restoration

• Mold, Bacteria and Virus Remediation

Call ServiceMaster National Capital Restoration anytime at (202) 318-2245!
