
Non-Destructive Mold Remediation

Some landlords do not take mold seriously, dismissing it as little more than an unsightly stain that can be painted over and forgotten.  Usually, mold is more than a superficial or cosmetic issue.  Across the country, mold is a scourge that has led tenants to bring multimillion-dollar lawsuits against landlords for significant health problems – such as rashes, chronic fatigue, nausea, cognitive losses, hemorrhaging and asthma, seeking compensation for significant health problems they claim to have suffered following prolonged exposure in their rented homes.

Presently, mold complaints are costly endeavors including but not limited to:

♦ Pre testing – Industrial Hygienist $350+

♦ Remediation costs $2500+

♦ Post testing – Industrial Hygienist $350+

♦ Repairs $1000+

The cost, which can substantially escalate, prevents most landlords from addressing mold issues in a proactive manner.  Many times this results in poor public relations, loss of productivity, health issues, tenant stress, employee stress, and on and on.  These complaints, not properly taken care of, may result in legal action or worse, costly lawsuits.

Trifect’s mold solution offers an alternative to today’s expensive and time consuming process. No longer do you have to wait days for lab results.  No longer is removing drywall and other building materials required.  No longer do your tenants have to be out of their homes for protracted periods of time. No longer do you have to “cover up” a problem.

The Trifect MethodHere is how it works:

The InstaScope™, developed by NASA scientists, uses cutting-edge detection technology that provides area-by area airborne mold concentration levels in real time!  Unparalleled accuracy and speed gives Trifect the opportunity to make decisions in the field that reduce costs and gets results.  A hand applied, topical application eliminates all visible mold, while hard-to-reach areas and airborne mold are addressed by the MAG 50’s sub-micron disinfectant.

Implementing non-destructive, cost-saving, time-sensitive processes, changes mold from being an expensive, time consuming problem, to a simple fix.  Please call ServiceMaster NCR today for a quote!  

(202) 318-2245

Sources: Mold and Your Rental Property – Ron Leshnower 2015
