ServiceMaster Drying Services

Damage to your carpet and flooring are likely the biggest repercussions of a summer flood. Contact a professional immediately to restore what you can. Give us a call at 202-318-2245 if your home or business has been affected.

Here’s what the ServiceMaster professional considers when drying carpet:

– Age and condition of carpet
If a carpet is so old that it is a better value to replace than attempt restoration, we”ll let you know what makes the best financial sense. ServiceMaster Restore uses industry resources to help determine the exact value of carpet.

– Length of time carpet was exposed to water
Most carpets can withstand water for up to three days, but immediate response to your loss is critical. In most cases ServiceMaster Restore can be at your site within two to four hours.

– Type of water

Types of water affect the restoration process.

Clean water: Water from a clean source with no debris.
Grey water: Water that is not necessarily clean but is not hazardous (washing machine and dishwasher overflow, for example).
Black water: Sewage backup or runoff water. These losses are hazardous and should be handled with caution.

– Water temperature
The temperature of the water is important to consider. For example, a hot water heater with very warm water will affect the glue used to hold carpet fibers together.

wet wood floorHere’s what we consider when drying wood floors:

– Wood floors are very sensitive, so proper drying is critical.

– Wood naturally holds water — up to 10% depending on the type of floor.

– Wood can absorb another 5% to 10% without showing any noticeable effects. Within a few days, however, floors that cannot hold the water any longer will expand, causing cupping or crowning. Both are very difficult to restore.

– Emergency response is critical for any damage to wood floors.
