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Fire & Smoke Damage Restoration

Fires can be devastating events, causing severe damage to your home and threats to life. However, beyond the flames lies an equally urgent threat: smoke. Treating smoke damage requires a safe and proactive approach from a dedicated team of remediation experts.

Trust in New York's most reliable smoke and fire damage restoration company

With over 30 years of smoke damage restoration, iFlooded Restoration combines industry-grade equipment and extensive knowledge of techniques that treat the root cause of your property’s smoke and soot damage.

Using specialist techniques, we’ll clean and sanitize each room, returning your building to its pre-loss state. We know that a rapid response is vital to successful remediation, and our 24/7 emergency team will attend your property, regardless of the time or day.

With us on your side, you can leave smoke and fire damage in the past.

What is smoke damage restoration?

Smoke damage restoration is treating a property for the effects of smoke exposure. It often occurs alongside the fire damage restoration process when properties are exposed to flames.

While small fires are easier to control, they still produce vast amounts of smoke, which can result in extensive property damage and destroy your personal items.

Many people notice the appearance of soot in their property and smoke-damaged belongings, but the remediation process aims to utilize various techniques that remove all traces of smoke and return the property to its pre-loss condition.

It’s important to remember that smoke can be invasive, and general cleaning isn’t enough to eliminate it from your property. Restoration companies like iFlooded dive deep into the problem and provide a full-service solution.

The risks of smoke damage

The first thing most people do when they see flames is call the fire department. While there’s no doubt that fire is incredibly dangerous – and potentially fatal – many underestimate the devastating impacts of smoke.

Leaving it in your property could have serious implications and risk your health.

Structural damage

You might notice remnants of smoke on your walls, but what lies behind them can cause ongoing damage. Smoke can penetrate your walls, ceiling, and floors, causing severe structural problems.

Leaving it to get worse will inevitably result in more expensive repairs, and your safety could be at risk. While a general cleaning company will remove visible traces of smoke and soot damage, they can’t eliminate it.

Cosmetic issues

Nobody wants their home to look dirty, but smoke that settles onto your walls and ceiling fixtures will leave dark stains and clear discoloration patterns. Again, quick remediation is vital here because the longer it’s left, the more complex the smoke is to clean.

Simply painting over the stains masks the problem but doesn’t fix it. Generally, standard cleaning equipment won’t effectively remove the smoke, but we use industry-grade tools to expel any stains.

Nasty smoke odors

If you’ve ever dealt with smoke damage, you’ll know it causes a noticeable odor that seems to follow you. Smoke and soot odors can linger for a long time, and traditional cleaning is often ineffective.

In most cases, proper sanitization and deodorization equipment can salvage your personal belongings and get rid of the smell.

Damage to electrical appliances

Smoke can also penetrate your electric appliances and interfere with internal components. The damage to these items could result in short circuits and cause electrical hazards.

While remediation won’t necessarily fix damaged electrics, it does mean we can identify items that need replacing and prevent further risks to your property and inhabitants.


Smoke contains a range of gasses and acidic features, making it highly dangerous when it seeps through your walls and floors. If it comes into contact with metals, the smoke can cause them to corrode, damaging pipe systems and appliances.

Treating the problem immediately prevents further damage and reduces potential repair costs, making smoke restoration services a priority during any emergency.

Health dangers

We all know the dangers of smoke inhalation, but lingering particles are also health hazards. If people are constantly breathing in these particles, it can result in respiratory issues. Individuals with asthma and other pre-existing conditions are even more susceptible to reactions.

Allergic reactions can also occur, with some people noticing their eyes and skin become irritated. Long-term exposure might impact the immune system, leading to higher risks of infections.